A Comprehensive Guide to Prove Fault in a Car Accident Case


The success of your traffic accident claim hinges on proving that the other driver was responsible for the accident. As with all other incidents that might lead to personal injury claims, establishing fault in a traffic crash is often a matter of determining who was negligent or acted carelessly.

In most cases, common sense can easily tell you that a specific driver, an electric scooter rider, pedestrian, or cyclist, acted negligently. Unfortunately, you may not know the specific traffic regulations and state laws that the accused violated. Your theory or argument to an insurer that another entity was responsible for the crash can be stronger if you can find ‘official support’ or evidence to support your case. This is why you need an experienced injury lawyer in Seattle.

Here are important aspects you should know when it comes to proving negligence in an auto accident case.

Police reports

Immediately after a traffic accident, law enforcement officers may come to the scene, particularly if someone suffered injuries or there was property damage. These officers create an accident report that reveals the details of what happened immediately before, during, and after the traffic accident. Ask them to give you a copy of that report.

In most cases, traffic officers ask for information from eyewitnesses and other people involved in the accident. Also, they give a detailed description of the vehicles’ location after the accident, any skid marks, and their opinion that someone violated particular traffic laws, and that violation was the cause of the crash. The report might reveal that an officer issued a citation.

Regardless of how detailed or specific the report is, any mention of traffic law violations, negligent driving, and other details might serve as a great support in proving that another entity was responsible for the crash.

Traffic laws

State laws that govern driving are another place you can look for support for your theory or argument that the other driver is to blame for the traffic accident. Each state has a specific set of laws or statutes known as the Vehicle Code.

Keep in mind that these laws are a little complex for someone who has no legal background. Therefore, it is in your best interest to consult with an attorney who understands the specific state laws that might apply to your accident case. This will increase the chances of finding the right evidence and support to build a strong case and get the compensation you deserve.

Gather the right evidence after the crash

If you did not suffer severe injuries after a crash, it is important to document the scene. For instance, you can take short video clips and photographs of the vehicles’ final positions after the crash, skid marks, and other important details. Be sure to exchange personal identification information, vehicle registration numbers, driving license details, and auto insurance details with the other driver involved in the crash. If there were witnesses, get their address and contact details.

These pieces of information will be very helpful to your personal injury lawyer when building a personal injury claim.