Need Professional Help For A Design Defect? Talk To A Products Liability Lawyer


Consumers’ safety is a top priority for product manufacturers because of their obligation to manufacture products that guarantees the safety of consumers. From time immemorial till date, there’s been countless number of cases where substandard goods caused grief, personal injury and even wrongful death.

The consumer affected as a result of this has every right to file a lawsuit for the damage caused. If you are considering hiring a product liability lawyer, ensure you consult with the right legal counsel who will help get full compensation

It is very important to do a thorough research before employing the services of a products liability lawyer. This will enable you to have a foreknowledge of his experience and professionalism level when it comes to handling products liability related cases. A professional products liability lawyer is one who displays proficiency when it comes to taking care of cases that involves defective products.

Getting Legal Help

Design defects as a result of the manufacturer’s negligence act can be disastrous. If the use of a particular product results into injury, you are entitled to sue the manufacturer of the product for the damage caused. In doing this, you will require an experienced lawyer who is vast in matters relating to products liability.

Types of Defective Product Liability Claims

There are different ways in which a product liability could occur. If you have sustained any injury due to defects from the use of a product, you have the right to file for a defective product liability claim with the help of a product liability lawyer. These types of claims include;

  • Defective Manufacture
  • Defective Design
  • Misleading information on the proper use of the product

A consumer willing to file a lawsuit against a manufacturer for product liability must have a good lawyer to help him get compensated. When filing for a product liability case, the consumer must provide factual evidence of not just the product that was defective but also the amount of injury caused.

Defectively Manufactured Products

Products defect is unarguably the most common kind of product liability today. This claim arises from the fact that there are some errors encountered during the manufacturing process. And for this reason, the defective products will be different from the rest. Examples of a manufacturing defect include a swing set with a cracked chain or a moped missing its brake pads.

When laying claim to this kind of product liability, one must ensure that the damage caused by the product was as a result of the manufacturer’s negligence and not an error on the part of the consumer. You need to provide factual evidence to show that the product caused the injury

Products Liability Lawyer

Defectively Designed Products

This type of defectiveness has nothing to do with the manufacturing process; a product with a defective design could have being manufactured without any form of error. This kind of defect is intrinsic in nature.

Here again, the cause of the injury is as a result of the defectively designed product. If you intend laying claim to this kind of defect, you must be ready to provide evidence that it wasn’t, as a result of your own error but due to the defectiveness in the design of the product.