In what way can industrial disease solicitors help with work related dermatitis and work related asthma?

industrial disease solicitors

There has been a considerable rise in the cases reported of skin conditions and breathing difficulties that are a result of occupational hazards. If someone feels that they are suffering from work related dermatitis or work-related asthma, then seeking professional legal help is always the best option in order for them to be able to claim the right amount of compensation for their needs.

Work Related Asthma

Work related asthma can be debilitating, and the symptoms are often horrible to deal with. They can include:

  • Asthma attacks
  • Wheezing and coughing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Constricted chest movement

In cases of it developing in the workplace, it is often that an individual will have been unfortunate enough to have been exposed to a particular substance that will have caused their asthma.

Bakers Asthma

One of the most common types of occupational asthma is baker’s asthma. It is mainly caused by the inhalation of cereal flour, but wheat flour in particular. In 1700, the Italian physician Bernardino Ramazzini was the first to note respiratory symptoms among bakers that was caused by exposure to flour dust, but it wasn’t until case reports were created at the beginning of the 20th century that the concept of baker’s asthma was fully established. Today, the British Medical Journal (bmj) has stated that the awareness of the condition means that scientifically based prevention is feasible and ‘baker’s asthma should not be regarded as an inevitable occurrence anymore.’ Occupational asthma also doesn’t necessarily have to be a permanent condition – if you distance yourself from things which trigger your asthma then your condition might improve.

Work Related Dermatitis

Work related dermatitis is a condition when the skin becomes inflamed primarily because of contact with hazardous substances that may exist in your workplace. It is not a contagious skin condition, so it cannot be spread between people who work together, or further on to people that you live with. In most cases, work related dermatitis is only found on the hands as they are the most exposed part of your body at work and you are likely to be touching the substances that may be triggering the adverse skin reaction.

What are the causes of work-related dermatitis?

As with any health problem, there can be a number of different variables that could cause your skin condition and a number of different things that could have triggered an existing one. Certain substances are also most likely to aggravate your skin than others, and therefore exposure to them can be painful. To discover more about the typical causes of illnesses and skin issues, visit this website:

Substances that are known as causative agents include the following:

  • Paints
  • Glues
  • Bleaches
  • Cement
  • Flour

What are the symptoms of work related dermatitis?

Some of the most common symptoms that you may experience if you have work related dermatitis include:

  • Cracking of the skin
  • Redness of the skin
  • Rashes on the skin
  • Blotchy skin
  • Itchy skin

If you have been suffering from these symptoms, then it is best to visit your doctor, where they will most likely provide you with an emollient to try and relieve the painful symptoms. Some common jobs that may mean that you are more at risk of suffering from dermatitis include:

  • Cleaning and housekeeping jobs
  • Hairdressing and beauty
  • Engineering and construction
  • Cooking and catering jobs
  • Nursing and healthcare

When suffering from any kind of work related disease, industrial disease solicitors are the best people to help you with your compensation towards treatment.